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Toothpaste tubes: a step towards environmental sustainability

tubes of recyclable toothpaste

An indispensable element for our oral health is toothpaste, in the space of a year we consume and throw away many tubes of toothpaste which, to date, are packaged with non-recyclable material. However, the majority of the world population is very sensitive to the issue of environmental sustainability and reducing the impact on the environment […]

Dentists and diabetologists for the prevention of periodontitis

dentists and diabetologists milan

Medicine no longer operates in watertight compartments, for this reason some medical associations collaborate together for the prevention of diseases that can affect several branches of medicine; among these also periodontitis. In this case, dentists and diabetologists can work in synergy for correct prophylaxis.

Care of deciduous teeth: functional and aesthetic aspects

care of deciduous teeth dentist Milan

The care of deciduous teeth is often underestimated, for this reason some children come to have decidedly compromised milk teeth, on which conservative dentistry interventions are extremely necessary, in order to avoid complications for general health.

Cracked tooth: what variables can favor the fracture

cracked tooth

A cracked tooth is a tooth damaged by a partial crown fracture which, if neglected, can extend to the deepest part of the tooth. The diagnosis of the crack is not always simple, sometimes previous restorations, due to conservative therapies, can hide the severity of a cracked tooth.

Healthy mouth: good habits not to be forgotten

healthy mouth dentist milan

Increasing the awareness in patients that better oral hygiene leads not only to a healthy mouth, but to a better condition of general health, is one of the fundamental objectives of every dentist. Despite the information campaigns and constant awareness-raising activities by dentists, some oral diseases, such as caries and periodontitis, are still among the […]