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Multiple sclerosis and implications for dental health

multiple sclerosis and oral health

Multiple sclerosis is a chronic disease, an inflammatory condition of the central nervous system that can affect the brain, brainstem and spinal cord. In patients with multiple sclerosis, antibodies attack the proteins of the myelin sheath that is found around neurons, this condition leads to the formation of scars and plaques that damage neuronal functions.

Tooth crack: diagnosis and treatment

tooth crack

Tooth cracking can be a difficult problem to manage, from diagnosis to treatment. A cracked tooth is not easy to diagnose without obvious symptoms. When the crack in the tooth ends within a specific part of the root, a typical bone resorption can be observed along the fracture line. In these cases the diagnosis is […]

Children at the dentist: why visits are so important

take the children to the dentist

A recent survey involving a group of Spanish parents found that 46% of affected fathers and mothers believe that it is not necessary to take their children to the dentist because they claim that their children have no oral health problems.

Tooth erosion: the role of vitamin E

tooth erosion

Tooth erosion is a dental problem affecting 30 – 50% of deciduous teeth and approximately 20 – 45% of permanent teeth in patients worldwide. An incidence that generates particular interest in the scientific community in the dental field and to which studies and research are being dedicated.

Direct dental pulp capping: which materials are best suited?

direct tooth capping

Conservative dentistry aims to preserve natural teeth for as long as possible; the direct hooding of the tooth pulp in cases of pulpitis is a useful solution to preserve the vitality of the dental element and avoid the extraction of the tooth.

Dental cysts: how to intervene?

dental cysts

Dental cysts are the body’s response to the presence of a foreign body inside the tooth, they are formed when the body tries to expel a pile of bacteria or dead tissue from the tooth.

Dental therapies: the patient increasingly involved in choices

dental therapies

Until a few decades ago, undertaking dental therapies was a cause for concern for the patient, in addition to the deep-rooted fear of the dentist, there was a sort of reverence for which establishing a dialogue with one’s doctor was practically unthinkable.

Radiotherapy patients: when to extract compromised teeth

radiotherapy patients

Patients in radiotherapy can have very strong and late side effects compared to the actual cancer treatment, among the side effects there are also those affecting the oral cavity, one of the most serious is osteoradionecrosis.