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Bone atrophy: zygomatic implantology or bone graft

bone atrophy zygomatic implantology

Zygomatic implantology and bone grafting are the two alternatives that face the patient in cases of severe maxillary bone atrophy, that is, in cases where the bone is not sufficient to support a classic immediate load implant surgery. What is the cause of bone atrophy? Tooth loss is closely related to the phenomenon of bone […]

If the implantology intervention fails, what happens?

implantology fails

The implantology intervention fails with a frequency of more or less 5 cases per 100. There is no denying the evidence of statistics. The professionalism that distinguishes us requires us above all transparency. We also record cases of implant failure in our dental center in Milan, but we offer interested patients a second possibility, which […]

Does a dental implant last forever?

durability of the dental implant

The choice to replace lost teeth with a dental implant is already in itself a choice that involves many doubts. In fact, there are many questions that a patient asks himself before proceeding with an implant surgery: Will I really have my teeth in 24 hours? Is it true that you don’t feel pain? As […]

Diabetes and implantology: are there risks for the patient?

diabetes implantology

Diabetes is a pathology that involves a chronic increase in the level of glucose in the blood, generating, in the patient who is affected, a state of hyperglycaemia, a condition that can also affect dental care, let’s try to understand why. There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 diabetes: occurs when the pancreas does […]

History of implantology: 4 centuries of innovation

history of implantology

When one of our ancestors had the formidable idea of inserting an artificial tooth, probably an artifact, in an alveolus to replace a fallen tooth, he began the history of implantology! We do not have the name of the genius but today we have a new and interesting historical reference that takes us back in […]

Oral surgery: what is it?

new professional profiles

Oral surgery is the branch of dentistry that deals with all surgical interventions affecting the oral cavity, with the aim of solving clinical cases with pathologies that cannot be cured with drugs or simple treatments. Oral surgery has different variations depending on the area of intervention, in this article we will explore four particular aspects […]

Implantology in 24 hours: how is it possible?

implantology in 24 hours

A 24-hour implant surgery is a relatively recent achievement in dentistry that allows you to have fixed teeth in a single day. If until some time ago bridges and removable prostheses were among the most accredited solutions to deal with tooth loss, today implantology offers definitive and long-lasting solutions. Many patients think that the statement […]

Dental implants. Main parts and components

Implantology is the technique that allows you to replace lost natural teeth with artificial ones by inserting dental implants. This consolidated and safe practice, as well as extremely long lasting, is now the first choice for anyone who wants to solve this type of problem. But let’s see now in more detail what the elements […]

Split crest to eliminate bone atrophy

In order to guarantee stability to a dental implant, it is necessary to have an adequate quantity (and quality) of bone. As a result of various factors, first of all the use of dentures which resting directly on the gingiva favor bone resorption, the quantity of bone present may not be sufficient to undergo a […]

Faq: implantology in pills

The most common questions and patient curiosities collected here in an article. “Implantology in 11 pills”: immediate load surgery can resolve total or partial edentulism in a very short time, it is not painful if you rely on expert hands and it takes place in conscious sedation, the safety of the result depends on the […]