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Sensitive teeth? That’s when eating or drinking becomes a nuisance

cure tooth hypersensitivity

Do you feel discomfort or pain when you eat or drink things that are too hot, cold, or particularly sugary? Then you definitely have a problem with marked tooth sensitivity or hypersensitivity. Are you tired of trying it? Would you like to solve the problem once and for all? There can be several reasons […]

Computer guided implantology, digital techniques for dental implants

dental implants fracture

Even in the field of dentistry, cutting-edge techniques have recently developed which are based on the use of technology and benefit from it. Computer-guided (or assisted) implantology, for example, makes it possible to simulate the insertion of an implant on the computer. This allows not only to have a virtual elaboration of the area where […]

Teeth that move, causes and remedies. Here’s what to do to not lose them

One of the most common problems when it comes to dental health is that related to teeth that move. A rather widespread embarrassment that can create various problems in everyday life. What are the reasons and possible remedies for dental mobility? Is there a way to prevent the discomfort caused by moving teeth?

Bone atrophy is now no longer a taboo. Causes, remedies and solutions

bone atrophy zygomatic implantology

Unfortunately, suffering from bone atrophy is very common and often causes you to lose confidence and self-confidence, as well as significantly worsening your quality of life. But what is bone atrophy? Are there any suitable solutions? Is it possible to remedy this through implantology?

Access to care: an APP to detect caries in children

tooth decay

Early childhood caries (ECC) is the most common chronic childhood disease, with nearly 1.8 billion new cases annually worldwide. ECC predominantly affects low-income preschoolers, with detrimental short- and long-term effects on their health and quality of life.

Gnathology, a new science to improve the quality of life

Jaw that pops

Frequent migraines and headaches? Don’t be alarmed. It could simply be problems that gnathology can solve. But what is it about? Gnathology is a branch of dentistry that studies the physiology, pathology and functions of the jaw.

Alteration of the oral mucosa and tobacco intake

yellow teeth and smoke

When one thinks of smoking, one is led to think exclusively of smokers, but the intake of tobacco, whether in the form of combustion from a cigarette or by chewing, involves an alteration of the oral mucosa and other complications in terms of oral health.

Dental problems and pacifier use in children

problematiche odontoiatriche e ciuccio nei bambini

The nutritional function of breastfeeding or bottle suction has a reflection on the need for non-nutritive suction and the use of a pacifier in children, this habit could be the cause of some dental problems.

Aging, tooth loss and quality of life

invecchiamento e perdita dei denti

The average age continues to increase bringing the well-being of the elderly to the center of attention in the medical and social field, aging today is not necessarily a phase of physical and mental decay, even in the field of dentistry, maintaining full functions of the oral cavity in older people has become a priority.