Do you feel discomfort or pain when you eat or drink things that are too hot, cold, or particularly sugary? Then you definitely have a problem with marked tooth sensitivity or hypersensitivity. Are you tired of trying it? Would you like to solve the problem once and for all? There can be several reasons for sensitive teeth and this article will help you understand what they are and how to remedy or limit this problem.
Why do we feel discomfort and pain? We list the possible causes of tooth sensitivity.

Tooth sensitivity, as mentioned, is the condition in which you feel an annoying pain when you come into contact with cold or hot or particularly sugary foods. Sometimes, even in cases of hypersensitivity, the discomfort can also be felt during the phases of breathing or while brushing the teeth. Our dental apparatus is normally made up of some tissues that protect the pulp from thermal stimuli. These tissues, most mineralized of the tooth, are the enamel and the dentin. The latter is the internal part of the tooth, while the former is the external part.
The dentin surrounds the pulp precisely in the area where the nerve is located. With the passage of time and the wear of the teeth, the dental enamel tends to reduce more and more, causing the necessary protection to the dentin to be lacking. In technical terms, therefore, this causes a greater sensitivity of the teeth making them hypersensitive to heat and/or cold, to excessively acidic, sweet or cold air foods. To cause the hypersensitivity of the teeth is therefore a progressive erosion of the enamel whose causes can be attributed to:
- Poor or incorrect oral hygiene;
- Increased acid pH in the mouth due to the consumption of too acidic foods;
- Bruxism;
- Using too aggressive products (abrasive toothpastes, whitening products, etc);
- Incorrect brushing;
- Presence of dental caries;
- Periodontitis or other acute oral infections
- Dental trauma with microfractures.
Tooth sensitivity: the factors that determine it

As we have already seen in the previous paragraph, increased tooth sensitivity can be caused by the thinning of the enamel layer that protects our teeth. Situation that is created for all the causes (one, or more than one) that we have just listed. This is the case, for example, of those suffering from gum recession or periodontitis. These patients will suffer particularly and in an accentuated way from dental hypersensitivity, especially to cold or hot foods, because a part of the tooth has remained uncovered by the recession of the gum. The diagnosis of tooth sensitivity is essentially due to and linked to three factors:
- Enamel erosion due to acidic substances: in this group we can include both factors related to an incorrect diet, which prefers acidic foods (citrus fruits, fizzy drinks, etc.), and factors related to poor oral hygiene. The increase of bacteria in the oral cavity favors the onset of plaque and tartar, the prolonged accumulation over time corrodes the dental enamel causing cavities and infection;
- Enamel erosion due to mechanical stimuli: in this case we can instead include all the conditions for which enamel abrasion occurs due to mechanical stress. One case may be that of bruxism. The involuntary grinding of the teeth, in fact, causes a gradual wear of the enamel and therefore an increase in hypersensitivity. Another cause could be too vigorous brushing during oral hygiene;
- Pathologies in progress: in the latter group we can instead include pathologies affecting the gums, such as gingivitis or periodontitis, as the cause of the hypersensitivity of the teeth. In these cases, the ongoing inflammation exposes the tooth more to thermal or mechanical stimuli and to caries which, if neglected, leads to the gradual erosion of the teeth.
Finally, there is an accentuated sensitivity of the teeth which can occur in pregnant women. In these particular cases, in fact, the hormonal variations due to the “interesting state” can affect the pH of the oral cavity and in particular the alteration of the saliva. A more acidic pH can lead, in addition to an increase in tooth sensitivity, to a greater predisposition to contracting cavities or gingivitis.
Small measures to safeguard the health of your teeth
Is there a way to cure excessive tooth sensitivity? Is there a remedy that can make us go back to enjoying hot or cold foods without particular pain or discomfort? Meanwhile, in this regard, it is good to remember that there is always a magic word called prevention and which must be taken into account well before the problem arises in order to avoid expensive treatments, painful remedies and excessive waste of time. To prevent, and therefore try to avoid, the problems we have talked about in the previous paragraphs, you should pay particular attention to cleanliness and therefore:
- Make use of a toothbrush with soft bristles;
- Clean your teeth gently and correctly, avoiding possible erosion of the dental enamel;
- Buy products, such as toothpaste, that are non-abrasive;
- Constantly floss properly;
- Adopt a diet with not particularly acidic foods;
- In case of grinding, protect the teeth using a bite;
- Regular visits to a specialist, such as a dentist or dental hygienist, for professional teeth cleaning (at least once every six months)
Distinguishing from case to case, then, if dental hypersensitivity is due to an excessive intake of acidic foods, it will be sufficient to balance one’s diet and pay more attention to one’s dental hygiene, perhaps even planning deep cleaning sessions. By rebalancing the pH of the oral cavity and keeping the mouth clean, hypersensitivity can be drastically reduced. If, on the other hand, it is due to gum problems (recession or periodontitis) it will be sufficient to undergo specific dental treatments, designed to cure this type of pathology. These treatments will reduce even dental hypersensitivity in a short time. If you suffer from excessive tooth sensitivity due to one of these factors, come and visit us in our Sanident Center in Milan, in via Settembrini, 6. Book a first visit, without obligation, and you will find one of our specialists ready to give you all the useful advice on the subject.