Even in the field of dentistry, cutting-edge techniques have recently developed which are based on the use of technology and benefit from it. Computer-guided (or assisted) implantology, for example, makes it possible to simulate the insertion of an implant on the computer. This allows not only to have a virtual elaboration of the area where the implants will be inserted but also to establish their location and inclination. But so what are its advantages? In which cases is it preferable to use it and in which others is it better to proceed with the classic one?
How computer guided implantology works
Computer guided implantology is based on careful digital planning of the operation and on the use of specific supports which guide the surgeon in the phase of positioning the implants in the bone. Thanks to the 3D CAT scan, 3D images of the bone are acquired, which are then used to carry out careful digital planning aimed at identifying the precise points of the bone in which to insert the implants on the day of surgery. The peculiarity of computer-guided implantology concerns in particular the methods of carrying out the intervention. This procedure, in fact, provides for the creation of a surgical guide on the basis of the acquired and processed data.
What is the surgical template

Therefore, computer-guided implantology involves the creation of the surgical template. The latter is nothing more than a resin mask which acts as a guide and which is fixed on the day of the intervention on the affected dental arch. The guide has holes that guide the surgeon’s hand in the designated path. In this way, therefore, the operation is performed without incision of the gum, only a small hole is performed, and without applying the stitches. The dental laboratory creates the temporary fixed prosthesis in advance, making it possible to apply it to the implants as soon as the operation is completed. In summary, therefore, computer-guided or assisted implantology is a simplified surgery with the aid of a PC. It simplifies the operation because, thanks to the use of digital tools and the creation of the template, guides are prepared which help and simplify the surgeon’s work.
Computer guided implantology: advantages and disadvantages

Is computer guided implantology the best solution? Certainly, it is a solution, but to answer this question, a somewhat broader and more complex discourse should be made. The advantages of computer guided implantology are:
- The use of scalpels and stitches is eliminated making this type of intervention as least invasive as possible;
- There is a meticulous organization and an accurate planning of the intervention that minimizes the patient’s risks;
- The intervention and bleeding times are reduced and consequently the healing can take place in much shorter times.
However, not all cases are similar and, therefore, there are some situations in which it is preferable to resort to traditional implantology which, compared to assisted implantology, can be applied to a higher percentage of patients. The classic technique is preferred, which is used more, essentially for these reasons:
- Per i casi semplici, un implantologo esperto non ha bisogno generalmente di guide;
- For complex cases, the template does not give due guarantees. The surgical guide can interfere with the integral view of the operating field and can prevent the dentist from having full control in case of unforeseen events during the operation;
- The creation of the template makes the intervention more expensive;
- In the presence of arches that are not completely edentulous, using the template may not be easy.
In conclusion, the surgeon always knows when it is advisable to follow computer-guided implantology and when to rely on the classic one. Also for this reason it is always important to rely on dentists with proven surgical experience such as those you find in our Sanident Center in Milan, in Via Settembrini, 6. The assisted technique, as mentioned, certainly represents a solution, even an excellent one if the case that arises is predictable and you are faced with a simple patient who does not present particularities and/or basic problems. There are, however, more complex cases There are, however, more complex cases