When and why to consult a gnathologist? Here are the reasons
The gnathologist is a specialist in the treatment of all those disorders linked to poor occlusion of the jaw and the muscular system. Among the most important mandibular functions we find: chewing, swallowing, phonatory and postural function. The gnathologist is always part of the branch of dentistry but should not be confused […]
Summer, here’s how to take care of your teeth on vacation
Finally here we are. August has arrived, the highlight of the summer has arrived. Many of you are already on vacation, others will go soon, others have already finished them and returned to the hard life of every day. The fact is that there is one thing you must never forget, even when your head […]
Gnathology, a new science to improve the quality of life
Frequent migraines and headaches? Don’t be alarmed. It could simply be problems that gnathology can solve. But what is it about? Gnathology is a branch of dentistry that studies the physiology, pathology and functions of the jaw.