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Some data on implantology from the IAO 2017 meeting

Dental implants

On 19 October the world of implantology met in Milan on the occasion of the first congress of the Italian Academy of Osseointegration (Iao) to take stock of the technological innovation applied to implantology.

The congress was an opportunity for a comparison between top experts in the sector on new technologies and clinical problems in the field of implantology. There was also talk of the number of interventions and it turns out that

Italy ranks second in the world for the number of implantology operations.

In Italy more than 1 million 700 thousand dental implants are inserted every year, we are second only to Spain. Just think that in our dental center in Milan several hundred implantology operations are performed every year.

How to distinguish excellence in implantology?

Milan Sanident implantology excellenceExcellence is not only a question of the number of implants inserted, but it is made up of a large series of variables. As has been pointed out by the president of IAO, there is no legislation relating to the practice of implantology, guaranteeing excellence is therefore a prerogative of the sense of responsibility of the individual dentist. The President himself, Tiziano Testori, invites dentists to do a small examination of conscience before each implantology intervention, a list of four questions that essentially touch the ethics of the profession:

  • would I do this on a loved one?
  • do I have an adequate preparation for the type of surgery?
  • is my professional training suitable?
  • am I aware and can I deal with any complications during the surgery?

An affirmative answer to these questions is already a first step towards excellence in implantology. To this must be added the detailed study of the specific clinical case and the scrupulous planning of the intervention.

In a dental center of excellence, moreover, the medical staff is able to manage any type of complication, potentially in fact every clinical case could prove to be a complex case.

Continuous training and qualified skills are synonymous with excellence

You can’t improvise implantologists! To practice implantology at high levels of competence it is necessary to constantly follow continuous training courses. A competent and qualified medical staff can make a difference, especially in the treatment of complex clinical cases.

From this point of view, the importance of adequate specialization is often ignored. As general practitioners direct the patient to higher levels of competence, as needed, dentists operate in different branches and patients should refer to dentists who have a specialization in implantology.

Use of digital technologies in implantology

implantology excellence MilanIf the ability to take advantage of cutting-edge technologies is added to the dentist’s skills, the patient can truly be said to be in good hands. A 3D diagnostic exam allows you to plan an intervention much better than a two-dimensional image. The amount of details and information available to the dentist is in fact significantly higher.

The importance of having correct information on implantology

The Italian Academy of Osseointegration is promoting an awareness campaign for correct information in implantology, above all to provide patients with the tools necessary to evaluate an implantology intervention for medical skills and not only from an economic point of view.

Receiving a quote without any preliminary dental visit is not a gesture in favor of the patient, on the contrary it is very risky.

Standard therapies for everyone and mass dentistry are enormous damage for the patient, each clinical case is in fact unique and must be treated as such.

Whatever the doubt about the health of your teeth, we at Sanident will always be happy to answer all your questions. Never think that yours is a trivial question, your health is a precious asset and being informed is the best way to defend it.

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