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Removing tartar: effective procedures

dental cysts

One of the best actions to prevent periodontitis is the prevention and in particular the periodic removal of tartar. Removing tartar with a professional dental session helps the prevention, diagnosis and therapy of pathologies affecting the periodontal ligaments.

Dental problems and pacifier use in children

problematiche odontoiatriche e ciuccio nei bambini

The nutritional function of breastfeeding or bottle suction has a reflection on the need for non-nutritive suction and the use of a pacifier in children, this habit could be the cause of some dental problems.

Aging, tooth loss and quality of life

invecchiamento e perdita dei denti

The average age continues to increase bringing the well-being of the elderly to the center of attention in the medical and social field, aging today is not necessarily a phase of physical and mental decay, even in the field of dentistry, maintaining full functions of the oral cavity in older people has become a priority.

Tooth pulp capping

incappucciamento della polpa del dente

The pulp of the tooth is an important component for the vitality of the tooth itself. The dental pulp is a source of nourishment for the tooth and ensures its survival. Tooth pulp infections must be monitored and it is important to intervene promptly to avoid irreversible tooth damage.

Fluorosis: a new treatment


Fluorosis is an oral disease caused by too much fluoride present in the tooth enamel. Fluorosis is manifested by the presence of white or yellowish lesions on the surface of the teeth.

Home whitening: treatments compared

sbiancamento domiciliare

Home whitening products have rapidly spread in recent years. At the beginning they consisted of customized masks to be worn during the night hours based on gel solutions with a low concentration of carbamide peroxide. There are products on the market today that promise teeth whitening in a short time, but is effectiveness guaranteed?

Dental impressions: why accuracy is important

impronte dentali

For dental impressions, the transition from the traditional method to the digital method has marked a revolution in the field of dentistry. Thanks to increasingly innovative technological tools, taking dental impressions of patients has become a much faster, less invasive and more precise process.

Burning mouth: how to intervene?

bocca che brucia

Burning mouth syndrome is a pathology that affects the oral mucous membranes, however, unlike other diseases involving oral tissues and mucosa, burning mouth syndrome does not present obvious symptoms.

Sleep quality and jaw pain

qualità del sonno

The quality of sleep is an important element of the overall well-being of an individual, jaw pain or more generally temporomandibular disorders can compromise rest and create a series of related disorders.